Symonds K, Duff L, Dwivedi V, Belausov E, Pal L, Tominaga M, Haraguchi T, Sadot E, Ito K, Snedden WA (2024) The Calmodulin-like proteins, CML13 and CML14 Function as Myosin Light Chains for the Class XI Myosins in Arabidopsis, doi: (BioRxiv preprint), submitted for review
Symonds K, Wali U, Duff L, Snedden WA (2024) Characterization of the calmodulin-like protein family in Chara braunii and their conserved interaction with the calmodulin-binding transcription activator family. in press Plant Cell Physiol, Oct 2024. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcae127 BioRvix preprint
Symonds K , Smith MA , Esme O, Plaxton WC, Snedden WA (2024) Characterization of Arabidopsis aldolases AtFBA4 and AtFBA5; inhibition by morin and interaction with calmodulin. FEBS Letters. Aug;598(15):1864-1876. doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.14979
Menard SB, Bendickson KH, Raytek LM, Snedden WA, Plaxton WC (2024) Heterologous expression and purification of glutamate decarboxylase-1 from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana - characterization of the enzyme′s in vitro truncation by thiol endopeptidase activity. in press, Protein Purification and Expression Sep 27:226:106612. doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2024.106612 (Biorxiv preprint),
Symonds K, Teresinski HJ, Hau B, Dwivedi V, Belausov E, Bar-Sinai S, Tominaga M, Haraguchi T, Sadot E, Ito K, Snedden WA. (2024) Functional characterization of calmodulin-like proteins, CML13 and CML14, as novel light chains of Arabidopsis class VIII myosins (2024). J Exp Bot. 2024 Apr 15;75(8):2313-2329. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erae031. PMID: 38280207.(Biorxiv preprint)
Hau B, Symonds K, Teresinski H, Janssen A, Duff L, Smith M, Benidickson K, Plaxton W, Snedden WA (2024). Arabidopsis Calmodulin-like Proteins CML13 and CML14 Interact with Calmodulin-Binding Transcriptional Activators and Function in Salinity Stress Response. Plant Cell Physiol. 2024 Feb 15;65(2):282-300. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcad152. PMID: 38036467.
Symonds K, Teresinski H, Hau B, Chiasson D, Benidickson K, Plaxton W, Snedden WA. (2024) Arabidopsis CML13 and CML14 Have Essential and Overlapping Roles in Plant Development. Plant Cell Physiol. 2024 Feb 15;65(2):228-242. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcad142. PMID: 37946525.
Benidickson KH, Raytek LM, Hoover GJ, Flaherty EJ, Shelp BJ, Snedden WA, Plaxton WC. (2023) Glutamate decarboxylase-1 is essential for efficient acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to nutritional phosphorus deprivation. New Phytol. 2023 Dec;240(6):2372-2385. doi: 10.1111/nph.19300. Epub 2023 Oct 14. PMID: 37837235.
Teresinski HJ, Hau B, Symonds K, Kilburn R, Munro KA, Doner NM, Mullen R, Li VH, Snedden WA. (2023) Arabidopsis calmodulin-like proteins CML13 and CML14 interact with proteins that have IQ domains. Plant Cell Environ. 2023 Aug;46(8):2470-2491. doi: 10.1111/pce.14616. Epub 2023 May 24. PMID: 37222394.
Kilburn R, Fedosejevs ET, Mehta D, Soleimani F, Ghahremani M, Monaghan J, Thelen JJ, Uhrig RG, Snedden WA, Plaxton WC. (2023) Substrate profiling of the Arabidopsis Ca2+-dependent protein kinase AtCPK4 and its Ricinus communis ortholog RcCDPK1. Plant Science, 331:111675. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2023.111675. Epub 2023 Mar 15.PMID: 36931565
Huang R, Snedden WA, diCenzo GC. (2022) Reference nodule transcriptomes for Melilotus officinalis and Medicago sativa cv. Algonquin. Plant Direct. Jun 8;6(6):e408. doi: 10.1002/pld3.408. PMID: 35774624; PMCID: PMC9219011.
Kilburn R, Gerdis SA, She YM, Snedden WA, Plaxton WC. (2022) Autophosphorylation Inhibits RcCDPK1, a Dual-Specificity Kinase that Phosphorylates Bacterial-Type Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase in Castor Oil Seeds. Plant & Cell Physiol. May 16;63(5):683-698. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcac030. PMID: 35246690.
Ubaid M, Ting M, Teresinski H, Snedden WA (2018) The calmodulin-like protein, CML39, is involved in regulating seed development, germination, and fruit development in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology, Jan, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s11103-018-0703-3, link to view pdf​
Ogunrinde A, Munro K, Davidson A, Ubaid M, Snedden WA (2017) Arabidopsis calmodulin-like proteins, CML15 and CML16 possess biochemical properties distinct from calmodulin and show non-overlapping tissue expression patterns. Front. Plant Sci., 22 December 2017 |
Ying S, Hill AT, Pyc M, Anderson EM, Snedden WA, Mullen RT, She YM, Plaxton WC. (2017) Regulatory Phosphorylation of Bacterial-Type PEP Carboxylase by the Ca(2+)-Dependent Protein Kinase RcCDPK1 in Developing Castor Oil Seeds. Plant Physiol.174:1012-1027. doi: 10.1104/pp.17.00288.
Fischer C, DeFalco TA, Karia P, Snedden WA, Moeder W, Yoshioka K, Dietrich P. (2017) Calmodulin as a Ca2+-Sensing Subunit of Arabidopsis Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel Complexes. Plant Cell Physiol.58:1208-1221. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcx052.​
DeFalco TA, Marshall CB, Munro K, Kang HG, Moeder W, Ikura M, Snedden WA, Yoshioka K. (2016) Multiple Calmodulin-Binding Sites Positively and Negatively Regulate Arabidopsis CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED CHANNEL12. Plant Cell.28:1738-51. doi: 10.1105/tpc.15.00870
Fedosejevs ET, Gerdis SA, Ying S, Pyc M, Anderson EM, Snedden WA, Mullen RT, She YM, Plaxton WC. (2016) The calcium-dependent protein kinase RcCDPK2 phosphorylates sucrose synthase at Ser11 in developing castor oil seeds. Biochem J.473:3667-3682.​
Kaur G, Singh S, Singh H, Chawla M, Dutta T, Kaur H, Bender K, Snedden WA, Kapoor S, Pareek A, Singh P. (2015) Characterization of Peptidyl-Prolyl Cis-Trans Isomerase- and Calmodulin-Binding Activity of a Cytosolic Arabidopsis thaliana Cyclophilin AtCyp19-3. PLoS One.10:e0136692. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136692
Zhu X, Dunand C, Snedden W, Galaud JP. (2015) CaM and CML emergence in the green lineage. Trends Plant Sci. 20(8):483-9. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2015.05.010​
Scholz SS, Vadassery J, Heyer M, Reichelt M, Bender KW, Snedden WA, Boland W, Mithöfer A. (2014) Mutation of the Arabidopsis calmodulin-like protein CML37 deregulates the jasmonate pathway and enhances susceptibility to herbivory. Mol Plant.7:1712-26. doi: 10.1093/mp/ssu102
Bender, Kyle W, Stephanie Dobney, Adenike Ogunrinde, David Chiasson, Robert T Mullen, Howard J Teresinski, Prabhjeet Singh, Kim Munro, Steven P Smith, and Wayne A Snedden (2014) The Calmodulin-like Protein CML43 Functions as a Salicylic-Acid-Inducible Root-Specific Ca(2+) Sensor in Arabidopsis. The Biochemical Journal 457 (1). 127–36. doi:10.1042/BJ20131080.
Bender, Kyle W, Daniel M Rosenbaum, Barbara Vanderbeld, Midhat Ubaid, and Wayne A Snedden (2013) The Arabidopsis Calmodulin-like Protein, CML39, Functions during Early Seedling Establishment. Plant Journal  76 (4): 634–47. doi:10.1111/tpj.12323.
Bender, Kyle W, and Wayne A Snedden (2013) Calmodulin-Related Proteins Step out from the Shadow of Their Namesake. Plant Physiology 163 (2). United States: 486–95. doi:10.1104/pp.113.221069.
​Allan WL, Breitkreuz KE, Waller JC, Simpson JP, Hoover GJ, Rochon A, Wolyn DJ, Rentsch D, Snedden WA, Shelp BJ. (2011). Detoxification of succinate semialdehyde in Arabidopsis glyoxylate reductase and NAD kinase mutants subjected to submergence stress. Botany. 90(1): 51--61
DeFalco T, Chiasson D, Kaiser B, Snedden WA (2010) Characterization of GmCaMK1, a novel calmodulin-binding receptor-like kinase from soybean (Glycine max), FEBS Letters 584:4717-24
Hurley B, Tran H, Park J, Marty N, Mullen R, Snedden WA, Plaxton W (2010) The Dual-targeted Purple Acid Phosphatase Isozyme AtPAP26 is Essential for Efficient Acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to Nutritional Phosphate Deprivation, Plant Physiology 153: 1112-22
Waller J, Dhanoa P, Schumann U, Mullen R and Snedden WA (2010) Subcellular and Tissue Localization of NAD Kinases from Arabidopsis: Compartmentalization of de novo NADP Biosynthesis, Planta 231:305-17
DeFalco T*, Bender K*, Snedden WA (2009) Breaking the code: Calcium sensors in plant signalling. Biochemical Journal, 425:27-40 (*co-1st authors)
Dobney S, Chiasson D, Lam P, Smith SP, Snedden WA (2009). The calmodulin-related calcium sensor CML42 plays a role in trichome branching. J Biol Chem, 284:31647-57 (features cover photo of cml42 knockout trichome phenotype)
Gennidakis S, Rao S, Greenham K, Uhrig G, O’Leary B, Snedden W, Lu C, Plaxton W (2007) Bacterial- and plant-type phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase polypeptides interact in the hetero-oligomeric Class-2 PEPC complex of developing castor oil seeds. Plant J, 52:839-49
Vanderbeld B and Snedden WA. (2007) Developmental and stimulus-induced expression patterns of Arabidopsis calmodulin-like genes CML37, CML38 and CML39. Plant Mol Biol. 64:683-697
Veljanovski V, Vanderbeld B, Knowles VL, Snedden WA, Plaxton WC. (2006) Biochemical and molecular characterization of AtPAP26, a vacuolar purple acid phosphatase up-regulated in phosphate-deprived Arabidopsis suspension cells and seedlings. Plant Physiol. 142:1282-93
Chiasson D, Ekengren SK, Martin GB, Dobney SL, Snedden WA (2005) Calmodulin-like proteins from Arabidopsis and tomato are involved in host defense against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Plant Mol. Biol. 58:887-97.
Bouché N, Yellin A, Snedden WA, Fromm H (2005). Plant-specific calmodulin-binding proteins. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 2005;56:435-66. doi: 10.1146/annurev.arplant.56.032604.144224. PMID: 15862103.
Turner WL, Waller JC, and Snedden WA (2005) Identification, molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel NADH kinase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemical J. 385: 217-223
Turner WL, Waller JC, Vanderbeld B, and Snedden WA (2004) Cloning and Characterization of Two NAD Kinases from Arabidopsis. Identification of a Calmodulin Binding Isoform. Plant Physiology. 135: 1243-1255
Bouché N, Scharlat A, Snedden WA, Bouchez D, and Fromm H (2002) A novel family of calmodulin-binding transcription activators in multicellular organisms. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 21851-21861
Snedden WA and Fromm H (2001) The calcium and calmodulin signaling network in plants. (Tansley Invited Review), New Phytologist. 151: 35-66
Snedden WA and Blumwald E (2000) Alternative transcript splicing of a novel tomato diacylglycerol kinase leads to a calmodulin-binding isoform. Plant Journal. 24: 317-326
Lee S-H, Johnson JD, Walsh MP, Van Lierop JE, Sutherland C, Xu A, Snedden WA, Kosicka KD, Fromm H, Narayanan N, and Cho MJ (2000) Differential regulation of Ca2+ /Calmodulin-dependent enzymes by plant calmodulin isoforms and free Ca2+ concentration. Biochemical J. 350: 299-306
Apse MP, Aharon GS, Snedden WA and Blumwald E (1999) Salt tolerance conferred by overexpression of a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science. 285: 1256-1258
Snedden WA and Fromm H (1998) Calmodulin, calmodulin-related proteins and plant responses to the environment. Trends in Plant Science. 3: 299-304
Aharon GS, Gelli A, Snedden WA, and Blumwald E (1998) Activation of a plant plasma membrane Ca2+ channel by TGD1, a heterotrimeric G protein G-subunit homologue. FEBS Letter. 424: 17-21
Zik M, Arazi T, Snedden WA, and Fromm H (1998) Two isoforms of glutamate decarboxylase in Arabidopsis are regulated by calcium/calmodulin and differ in organ distribution. Plant Mol Biol. 37: 967-975
Snedden WA, Fromm H. (1997) Characterization of the plant homologue of prohibitin, a gene associated with antiproliferative activity in mammalian cells. Plant Mol Biol. 33:753-6.
Cholewa E, Cholewinski AJ, Shelp BJ, Snedden WA, and Bown AW (1997) Cold shock-stimulated gamma-aminobutyric acid synthesis is mediated by an increase in cytosolic Ca2+, not by an increase in cytosolic H+. Can J Bot. 75: 375-382
Snedden WA, Koutsia N, Baum G, Fromm H. (1996) Activation of a recombinant petunia glutamate decarboxylase by calcium/calmodulin or by a monoclonal antibody which recognizes the calmodulin binding domain. J Biol Chem. 1996 Feb 23;271(8):4148-53. doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.8.4148. PMID: 8626755.
Snedden WA, Arazi T, Fromm H, Shelp BJ. (1995) Calcium/Calmodulin Activation of Soybean Glutamate Decarboxylase. Plant Physiol. 1995 Jun;108(2):543-549. doi: 10.1104/pp.108.2.543. PMID: 12228492; PMCID: PMC157373.
Arazi T, Baum G, Snedden WA, Shelp BJ, Fromm H. Molecular and biochemical analysis of calmodulin interactions with the calmodulin-binding domain of plant glutamate decarboxylase (1995). Plant Physiol. 1995 Jun;108(2):551-61. doi: 10.1104/pp.108.2.551. PMID: 7610159; PMCID: PMC157374.
Ling V, Snedden WA, Shelp BJ, Assmann SM (1994). Analysis of a soluble calmodulin binding protein from fava bean roots: identification of glutamate decarboxylase as a calmodulin-activated enzyme. Plant Cell. 1994 Aug;6(8):1135-43. doi: 10.1105/tpc.6.8.1135. PMID: 7919983; PMCID: PMC160507.
Snedden WA, Chung I, Pauls RH, Bown AW (1992) Proton/l-Glutamate Symport and the Regulation of Intracellular pH in Isolated Mesophyll Cells. Plant Physiol. 99:665-71.